We do not start classes until Monday, so this week has just been exploring and having fun. One thing that is not fun, PRICES! Everyone told me before I came London would be expensive, but man, I didn't really realize how expensive. It is a high cost of living, plus right now I am just too unmotivated to want to cook for myself so it is definitely an adjustment. When I went to a bar, a Long Island was 8pounds! At home, its $8 or less!
Anywho, Wednesday a couple of us walked around South Kensington in search of the Parent Trap house, but ran out of time because we had to head back to Oxford Street to register for classes. I got pretty much everything I needed. The #1 class I came here for and was looking to take and that I needed for my minor in Davis, was cancelled. Excellent. I did, however, get Developmental Psych, British Performance in Theater, Fashion Trends and Forecasting and Art & Society, where we basically spending 3 hours touring London, not bad. I also don't have class on Fridays. SCORE!

After that, a bunch of us met up at Hyde Park for a picnic for Liz's birthday. It was really surreal to be having a picnic in Hyde Park.

Thursday, Liz, Sarah and I went to Westminster Abbey and Parliament. Unfortunately, you were not allow to take pictures in the Abbey, but it was beautiful! So many amazing people buried there. Mary, Queen of Scots, Queen Elizabeth I, Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare and Jane Austen to name a few. Quite remarkable.

Later that night, Westminster put on, basically a booze cruise, for the study abroad students. It was kind of a recipe for disaster, or good time? I don't know ha. 3.5 hours on a boat serving overpriced alcohol, but no food. There was also dancing. I stayed on the top level the whole time to soak in the views. I also met some awesome German and Brazilian guys and a lot of people from America!

Cities are definitely prettier at night.
One thing I didn't really realize about studying abroad is how many different types of people I would meet. I knew I'd meet more Americans, but the international people are amazing. This is one reason I chose not to study through UC Davis - I wanted to meet completely new people from everywhere. So far I have made friends with people from:
-America (Cali, Jersey, Nebraska, Michigan, Florida)
-South Korea
I love it.
After the booze cruise, we continued the party around the dorm area. Apparently, London, or at least my part, does not do Thirsty Thursday, as the first bar we went to, at 11:15pm, had NO ONE in it and had closed off its downstairs, the dance room. So what do a bunch of Americans do? We start our own dance party in the bar. We also attempted to teach some locals how to
bernie entertaining, to say the least.