Saturday morning some of us went to Borough Market, a HUGE outdoor market with so many types of food. It was perfect for a broke person (ala moi) because we just sampled the most delicious breads, cheeses, olive oils and more! It was hard not to buy anything because money out faster than I can blink.
After, we went with our program to tour the Tower of London. What amazing history England has. I love it. I learned so much about the tower, its inhabitants, King Henry VIII, armor, crown jewels (which were insane!) and more. We even saw carvings from the prisoners that were once held prisoner while awaiting death.
Sunday I planned to go running around the parks but I woke up around 10 and it was raining, so I proceeded to stay in bed...all day....watching movies.
Monday I had my first class at 10am at the farthest campus and it took me about 30min on the tube to get out there. Once I got off I was soo lost. I started walking around a park, then towards a hospital and finally I saw a group of fashionably dressed girls and knew I should follow them as this was the Design campus. Thankfully they led me right to the campus.
In England, well at Westminster, they have class once a week for 3 hours so I have 4 classes, but one a day Monday - Thursday. I also like that in all my classes there are only 2 assignments - usually essays, and thats it. In fact, two of my final projects aren't due until after instruction ends. Weird.
Tuesday I didn't have class till 4pm so I went to the National Portrait Gallery and saw some pretty cool pieces.

Tuesday night I decided to go on a pub crawl and it was a blast! I guess in Leicester Square, a few bars do a pub crawl EVERY night and for 10 pounds you get a free shot at every bar. Not really worth it in my mind, but the music to dance to was AMAZING and I had a blast. Got home around 1:30am and had class at 9am that morning. Needless to say, I was a bit miserable in class until I got some coffee in me. My class Wednesdays is London Art and Society and we spend an hour in lecture and then 2.5 hours touring a museum in London. How perfect is that?! Today we went to the British Museum but the exhibits we looked at were not my favorite. I need to go back to see the Rosetta Stone!
After, a few girls and I went to lunch and then ran a few errands. It is SO hard not to shop but money flies outta my wallet so fast.
In other news, I have officially booked trips to Scotland, Brussels and Germany. I need to book a flight to Milan to visit an old exchange student and then start planning my traveling after the program. Part of me doesn't want to book any trips so I have money left over and can just blow it on Oxford Street the last week.
Anyone know of a potential job from Dec.20-Jan.2 that pays WELL?!
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