Monday, November 26, 2012

Birthday in London!

I am officially 22!

How crazy is that? Part of me feels 22 and part of me doesn't.

Friday night at the Finburghs, they told me I need to go to Oxford. I immediately began thinking what day of class I could skip as this weekend was my LAST in London. However, I then learned of a friend going to Oxford Sunday with her two friends, so I tagged along. I figured, why not spend my birthday in Oxford.

We left early to catch the 9:40 bus and got to the terminal at exactly 9:30....right as the bus left. I guess the bus was scheduled to leave at 9:30, not 9:40. Oops. Thankfully, the next bus was only 30 minutes later, so before we knew it, we were off.

Once in Oxford, we walked around the town for a bit. I went to Oxford with my friend Ciara and she was with her two friends from home. One of those friends had a friend that was currently attending Oxford. Following?! We met up with her and she took us on a small tour of her college and up St. Mary's Church to see a beautiful view of the city.

We then toured the courtyard where they filmed scenes from Harry Potter!!! And into her dining hall that Hogwarts was influenced by!

After the tour, we went to a pub and I decided to have my first proper Sunday English Roast, for my birthday. It was delicious!!!

After lunner? (we ate around 4pm), we did a little more walking around and then headed home. It was a delightful day.

Monday there was some proper celebrating. Most of my friends went out of town this weekend, so I waited till Monday night to celebrate.

A group of us went to dinner at the Spaghetti House. Delish.
And there was much rejoicing ;)

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