You pick what eggs you want and put them in a cart. Weird |
Hells yes. Peanut butter! |
Thursday it definitely did not feel like Thanksgiving. I started off the day giving a presentation in my psychology class and then went to lecture. After I went with my friend Anna (AGHS represent!) and we wandered into Primark (always dangerous) and I need up buying these amazing heels for about $10. I love them, but can't really walk in them. Oops.
For those of you who don't know, Primark is heaven for a fashionista on a budget. It's like a Forever21 in that it sells trendy clothing, but I feel the quality is better and the prices are amazing. That being said, it's pretty much impossible for me to go in without spending money :/
Afterwards I went home to relax. Well, there was no relaxing. I'm pretty sure I'm the worst napper in the world if that's even possible. So instead of napping, I watched The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas. Big mistake. It's a great movie, but it also takes the cake for the SADDEST movie I have ever seen. I had already done my make up for the night and had to redo it because I was sitting on my bed straight up bawling for 5-10 minutes. No joke, hard core crying. No shame ha.
Anyways, I cleaned myself up, dried my tears and then headed to Notting Hills with friends to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner provided by my study abroad program. It was a classy little restaurant and the food was good, but nothing compares to my moms turkey/stuffing, my dads mashed potatoes and my aunts cranberry sauce. However, even though it was 'classy', after repeatedly asking for more bread, we got some...and it was frozen in the middle. So we toasted it over our candle. Why not. We also got what I feel was a mix between pumpkin pie and cheesecake. It was good, but I can't handle cheesecake (too rich) so I couldn't finish it.
Turkey, green beans, a 'stuffing' thing and a bit of cranberry sauce |
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Toasting the bread |
Friday was nothing crazy. Went to Borough market to get some apples. I find it funny that I found the best apples in the world in London.
Friday night I had the pleasure of eating dinner at the Finburghs, family friends. This time two of their kids and their spouses and children joined. I say I had the pleasure because again, this has got to be the nicest family I have ever met. Every member is such a treat and I wish I could have spent more time with them while I was here. It was nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of London. As much as I love this city, it can get a bit overwhelming. On the way home on the tube I had the pleasure of being in a cart with two girls attempting to do the gangnam style dance.
For those of you who don't know what I am talking about - here
Anyways, it's officially my birthday weekend! I've kinda forgotten its my birthday. I wasn't sure if that's because I'm in that stage here birthdays aren't exciting anymore or it's just being overshadowed by the fact I'm in London. I'm going with the latter ;)
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